Suomen Asiakastieto Oy (hereinafter Asiakastieto) sells and markets Nordic Growth certificate products. The certificate products are:
These order conditions apply to all Nordic Growth certificate orders.
In connection with the order, we will send the following messages or items to the customer:
1. Order confirmation
2. Product delivery message (with the delivery of digital products)
3. Delivery of framed certificates, glass trophies and stickers.
New customers will receive an order confirmation for the certificate products by email containing the following information:
The order confirmation is sent to the email address provided by the customer. If the customer has any objections to the order confirmation, the customer must notify Asiakastieto’s customer service. Notifications must be made within one (1) day counted from the date of the order confirmation.
Standing order customers will receive an order confirmation for the certificate products by email containing the following information:
The order confirmation is sent to the email address provided by the customer. If the customer has any objections to the order confirmation, the customer must notify Asiakastieto’s customer service. Notifications have to be made within seven (7) days starting from the date of the order confirmation.
The customer will receive a product delivery message for the certificate products by email containing the following information:
The product delivery message is sent to the email address provided by the customer. If the customer has any objections to the product delivery, the customer must notify Asiakastieto’s customer service. Notifications must be made within one (1) day counted from the date of the product delivery.
Product deliveries have individual delivery times depending on the product type.
Product deliveries have individual delivery times depending on the product type.
Digital products are recommended to be saved in the company’s own files without delay.
The certificate subscription can be valid until further notice or temporary.
Temporary subscription
A temporary subscription is a one-time order and will be invoiced within one month of the start of the subscription, according to the current price list.
Subscription valid until further notice
A non-fixed-term subscription is valid until terminated. A non-fixed-term subscription requires that the Nordic Growth criteria are met at the beginning of a new subscription period. At the beginning of a new subscription period, we deliver new certificate products.
The subscription fee will be invoiced at the start of a new twelve-month (12) subscription period at the current subscription price. Asiakastieto’s customer service must be notified of the termination of a subscription that is valid until further notice in writing immediately after the order confirmation, before the product delivery. If the customer has received the ordered products, the order can no longer be cancelled.
The Nordic Growth certificate products are intended for the customer’s use only. Passing them on to third parties is prohibited.
For more information on certificate products and ordering, please contact Asiakastieto’s customer service.
Suomen Asiakastieto Oy
Customer Service
Phone 010 270 7200 (9.00-16.00)