contains 41 different search criteria, which can all be used simultaneously.
a specific company Searching
a group of companies
The search result screen indicates the number of companies in the database that meet the search criteria.
You can delete the search criteria with the Clear button. |
can also search financial statements data of the past years. Choose
the year from the Ratios pull-down menu. |
If you also wish to include bankrupt, dissolved and merged companies in the search, delete the selection ”search active companies only” by clicking the tick. You can include only parent companies of groups in your search. Define by clicking the screen The
search criteria selected with the tick ends as the tick is removed. The
by the company’s name You
can use the * character to replace the missing end part. Search
by the Trade Register number You
can use the * character to replace the missing end part, or the character
? to replace one or several missing numbers. Search
by Business ID You
can use the * character to replace the missing part of the street address.
You can simultaneously use several street addresses as search criteria
by adding the word TAI between the addresses. NOTE! Part of the companies have mailbox, i.e. PL as the street address. Search
by ratio or other numerical data
You can also use the minus sign in front of the figures to indicate negative values. If you use the company’s turnover, balance sheet total or other sum data as the search criterion, always give the sum as thousand Euros. Search
by the starting or closing date |
vocabulary has been formed of companies’ names, Trade Register numbers,
Business IDs and street addresses, comprising all alternatives in the
database in alphabetical or numerical order. On the right-hand side of the vocabulary it is stated how many times the index word is found in the database. Choose the index-word by clicking the desired line. Pick the word to the Search criteria screen by using the Select button or by double-clicking the line. You
can also search the index-word from the vocabulary by writing the word
or a part of it to the field in the upper part of the screen. Choose the
index-word to the Search criteria screen as above. |
Voitto contains a number of pre-prepared search criteria menus, with the help of which you can easily define company groups. You can find the pre-prepared menus behind the buttons in the lower part of the Search criteria screen. You can use one or several criteria in the menu simultaneously. Line
of business Search the desired line of business from the menu to the screen by writing its name or part of the name to the line of business field or the industry code to the code field. Include the line of business in the search by double-clicking the line. The program marks the selected lines with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by double-clicking the line again. By using the SELECT ALL button in the upper part of the screen you can include all lines of business related with the word you have written to the line of business field. By writing the name of another line of business or part of it to the field and by repeating the all selection, you can expand the search based on the lines of business. The companies field informs you of the number of companies in the database that operate in the lines of business you have chosen. The lines of business field indicates the number of lines of business you have included in the search. After you have included the desired lines of business in the search, click the READY button. You can delete the selections you have made by using the CLEAR button. Company
form Include the company form in the search by clicking the line. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies having the company form in question in the database. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired company forms in the search, click the READY button. You can return to the Search criteria screen by using the BACK button without changing the search criteria. Provinces Choose the province by clicking the line. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies in the database that have been registered in the province. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After
you have included the desired provinces in the search, click the READY
button. You can return to the Search criteria screen by using the BACK
button without changing the search criteria. Search the desired post office from the menu by writing the name of the town or municipality to the post office field or the postal code to the postal code field. Include
the post office in the search by double-clicking the line. The program
marks the selected lines with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection
by double-clicking the line again. The companies field indicates the number of companies in the database that operate in the post offices you have selected. The post offices field indicates how many post offices you have included in the search. After you have included the desired post offices in the search, click the READY button. You can delete the selections you have made by using the CLEAR button. Selection
of financial years Include
the desired financial year or years in the search by double-clicking the
year. You can specify the selections according to the last month of the
financial year by double-clicking the month box. The selected years or
months are shown blue in the table. You can cancel the selection by double-clicking
the year or month box again. Please
note that the CLEAR button of the Search criteria screen does not delete
the financial year selections you have made. Include the statement in the search by clicking the line. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies to the auditor’s report of which the statement refers. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired audit statements in the search, click the READY button. You can return to the Search criteria screen by clicking the BACK button without changing the search criteria. Audit data is available in Voitto from the year 1996 onwards. Profitability
By clicking the desired level of profitability, you can include in the search the companies the return on investment of which corresponds with the classification. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies in the database. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired levels of profitability in the search, click the READY button. You can get back to the Search criteria screen with the BACK button without changing the search criteria. Solvency
By clicking the desired level of solvency, you can include in the search the companies the equity ratio of which corresponds with the classification. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies in the database. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired levels of solvency in the search, click the READY button. You can return to the Search criteria screen with the BACK button without changing the search criteria. Liquidity The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired levels of liquidity in the search, click the READY button. You can return to the Search criteria screen with the BACK button without changing the search criteria. Financial
category By clicking the desired financial category, you can include in the search the companies the financial ratios of which correspond with the classification. The right-hand column indicates the number of companies in the database. The program marks the selections with an asterisk. You can cancel the selection by clicking the line again. After you have included the desired financial categories in the search, click the READY button. You can return to the Search criteria screen with the BACK button without changing the search criteria. |
Three pre-prepared searches have been saved in Voitto, with the help of which you can get a good idea about the versatile search possibilities of the database. |
You can save the search and the search criteria you usually use in your own briefcase. You can access the desired company group easily and fast always when you need it or when a new version of Voitto is available. You can access your own briefcase by clicking the orange briefcase icon on the Search criteria screen. |